“Happiness has a direct influence in preserving our health while being upset causes illness. The basis of eternal happiness is spirituality and divine virtue, which is not followed by sorrow. But physical happiness is subject to a thousand changes and vicissitudes.” (Words of `Abdu’l-Baha, 19 June 1912, in New York, “Mahmud’s Diary”)
The human body like that of the animals’ is subject to nature's laws. But man is endowed with another nature, the rational and intellectual reality; and the intellectual reality of man predominates over the nature. All these sciences and advancements which we enjoy and benefit from once been hidden and the recondite secrets of nature, all were unknowable to it itself, and the nature has been and is captive by the rules of the hidden mysteries that is concealed in it. Man, however, was enabled to discover these mysteries, progressed in unraveling the secrets of the existence; he brought the hidden realities out of the plane of the unseen into the plane of the visible and seen. This proves that human being's existence endows powers and capacities which the nature does not possess. The intellectual faculties and potential capacities of the man are themselves the powers of his superior nature and spiritual reality; that is, his spirit—'the human spirit'.
"This material world has an outward appearance, as it has also an inner reality. All created things are interlinked in a chain leading to spirituality and ultimately ending in abstract realities. I hope that these spiritual links will become stronger day by day and that this communication of hearts, which is termed inspiration, will continue. When this connection exists, bodily separation is not important; this condition is beyond the world of words and above all description." (Words of `Abdu'l-Baha, on 28 April 1912, "Mahmud's Diary")
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Timeless Treasures: Words with Meanings
Learning Felicityhttp://learningfelicity.blogspot.ca/