Wednesday, December 26, 2012

True worship is talking of the Truth with love and sincerity and translating what we say into action.
Prayer, which is simply and in reality a communion of a friend with his and her true Friend, is a highest form of loving expression and praise, glorification and gratitude; it is a purely sincere, unconditional joy in celebrating love and growing freely by its light. It is an expression that is best translated and understood when manifests itself in an action of its original, unsoiled but genuine kind.  Such an act is worship; it is called service. “Service is prayer.”  

"In the highest prayer, men pray only for the love of God, not because they fear Him or hell, or hope for bounty or heaven.... When a man falls in love with a human being, it is impossible for him to keep from mentioning the name of his beloved. How much more difficult is it to keep from mentioning the Name of God when one has come to love Him.... The spiritual man finds no delight in anything save in commemoration of God." 
(`Abdu’l-Baha, Compilations,  vol II, p. 236 )
The wisdom of prayer", `Abdu'l-Baha has said, "is this:  That it causeth a connection between the servant and the True One, because in that state man with all heart and soul turneth his face towards His Highness the Almighty, seeking His association and desiring His love and compassion.  The greatest happiness for a lover is to converse with his beloved, and the greatest gift for a seeker is to become familiar with the object of his longing; that is why with every soul who is attracted to the Kingdom of God, his greatest hope is to find an opportunity to entreat and supplicate before his Beloved, appeal for His mercy and grace and be immersed in the ocean of His utterance, goodness and generosity." (Revealed by `Abdu'l-Baha, "Baha'i World Faith", p. 367)
You are welcome to visit the recent posts on my two other blogs—English and bilingual—below:
Timeless Treasures: Words with Meanings